Talaria Order Management System

Next.jsMongoDBExpress.jsReact QueryChakra-UIAWS EC2 / AWS S3 Bucket

Talaria Order Management system is a full-stack web application that helps increase Talaria Order Management Team's productivity by providing features such as inventory management, customer relationship management, etc.

Talaria Order Management System image


Talaria Order is a company that helps Vietnamese people buy goods from the U.S. The company vision is to become the largest U.S products import merchant in Viet Nam. We currently serve customers on an on-demand basis, which means we only fulfill an order after a customer requests it. In the future, when we have enough capital, we will bulk purchase U.S products, stock them in a warehouse, then resell them to anyone interested. And for our business operations to go smoothly, with three founders living in three different time zones, we need a solution that helps manage day-to-day duties, from buying the products in the U.S and shipping them to Vietnam, to collecting money from the customers and delivering the products directly to them.

Talaria Order Management System was developed to serve those purposes.

Project screenshots

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Overall architecture

Overall architecture

The tech stack used for this application is the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. The primary reason why I chose it was that it was the stack that I have the most experience with. Another reason was that this stack had a vast community that supported it, so if there was anything that I needed help with, I could quickly find the answer on Google. However, after the project's halfway point, I realized that choosing this tech stack might not be the best decision for this specific application. I will talk about my reasons in later sections.

On top of that, I used Typescript over Javascript to avoid run-time errors before deploying for the end-users to see by having a strongly typed system. Essentially, Typescript compiles the code before deploying, and if there are any type-related errors, the build will fail, and I would not be able to deploy the code. Taking advantage of the strongly typed system of Typescript helped me avoid showing awkward run-time errors to end-users. The back-end application was hosted using a VPS (virtual private server) by AWS (Amazon web service) called EC2. At the same time, I deployed the front-end part to Vercel, a popular hosting platform for front-end applications.

Now, it is time to talk about the overall architecture of the system. For the front-end part, I used a React.js Framework called Next.js to take advantage of client-side rendering of React.js while still having server-side rendering provided by the Next.js framework. This setup has a significant advantage on performance because of the mix and match between client-side rendering and server-side rendering. If in a traditional website, each time the user interacts with the server through the website, the information is sent to the server, then the server sends a pre-rendered HTML web page back. It is an inefficient operation since you do not always want to re-render the whole page. Sometimes you only wish some specific parts to be re-rendered. Next.js was born to solve this slow procedure. With Next.js, the HTML web page is only sent on the initial page load. After that, any information exchange between the client and the server will be taken care of by React.js on the client-side, and it is not necessary to send back and forth the whole HTML page anymore.

In addition to taking advantage of the performance boost provided by Next.js, on the client-side, I also used a React.js library called react-query to cache the data received from the server. A basic front-end application that does not have cache has to make an API request to the server every time it needs any data. For example, let's imagine visiting a movie database website like imdb.com, and you want to search for a movie called "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope." ("Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - IMDb", 2021). You click on the "search" button on the search bar, and you get the result page with details about the movie. After reading through the web page, you decide to read about "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" ("Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) - IMDb", 2021). So, you repeat what you just did, and you receive the detail page of the new query. Then you want to re-read the information of "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" because it is the best movie of the franchise. At this time, you must input the query and hit "search" again. For the three times, the client has to ask the server and receive new data those three times, including the same searching term. This is such an inefficient procedure, and it prompts the need for a cache to store the result of the first query on the client-side. On the third search time, since the data has already been fetched, the browser can go ahead and read from the cache without making a new request to the server and receiving "old" data. Talaria Order system takes advantage of this caching concept with the use of react-query. Usually, implementing cache is incredibly difficult because of the cache validation steps. Fortunately, react-query makes it extremely easy to implement. All I needed to do was give react-query the keys, such as "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" for the example above and the mean to make an API request, react-query handled everything else on its own and made the development process super comfortable.

With Next.js, data can come from two sources. The server-side of Next.js can make an API request to the database server and return the web page with data included to the user's browser. Another source is from the user's browser making a direct API request to get specific data. For both these means of getting data, there is a Node.js server running on https://api.talaria-order.xyz . This server runs using Express.js to expose RESTful APIs to the client-side. A MongoDB driver called Mongoose is used on the server to allow the server to interact with a MongoDB instance hosted on MongoDB Atlas. According to this setup, when the client makes a request to the server, the server makes a query to the database on different hosting. This setup helps to balance the load for the server. The server now only has to handle API requests and returns data without taking care of the database.


Before the project, I am most experienced with Front-end development, and I have never written an extensive back-end application such as this one. Thus, to get prepared for it, I took a course on Udemy about Node.js and back-end development: https://www.udemy.com/course/nodejs-express-mongodb-bootcamp/ . Fortunately, this course helped me tremendously in bootstrapping my knowledge, and I felt more confident about building it.

The second challenge was the web deployment process. Because it has both front-end and back-end parts, I had to deploy them to two separate places for performance purposes, and it caused a couple of problems for me. First of all, the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policy prevented my front-end from making calls to the back-end because they did not come from the same server. The second issue was that I used cookies for authentication, and having back-end and front-end coming from different URLs made it impossible to implement authentication. After researching the topic, I understood that having a shared domain would solve both issues. And then, I proceeded with buying a custom domain just for the front-end part and back-end to talk with one another. Fortunately, it solved both issues.

The third challenge was time management. I did not have a specific plan at the beginning to work on the project. I was trying to work on it whenever I could, and I did not have any enforcement on the progress. It was such a bad idea until I realized that I had not finished the back-end part in the latter half of the timeline. After that, I tried to commit twenty-five hours per week and set specific goals for each week, and it helped me finish the application right before the deadline. However, I did not have enough time to do testing. This taught me to have a better time management plan for future projects.

Mistakes/failures/What I'd do differently

One of the major mistakes I made with this project was that I did not deploy the application until the last phase. When I deployed the project, it did not work for the authentication and API call. I lost so much time figuring out the problem and finding the solution. Since this was the biggest project I have ever built, I was afraid that I would need to change the code in many places that I was not aware of. It turned out alright in the end, but that was a big mistake, and it taught me that I should test deployment earlier in the process. I also learned about why my deployment failed, and I would use those pieces of knowledge for my future projects.

The second big mistake was that I did not choose a suitable database for the project. The database I chose was MongoDB, which has a straightforward implementation, easy management, etc. However, I soon realized that it was not suitable for what I was trying to achieve. Due to my FIFO (First-in-first-out) inventory technique to calculate the actual cost of items purchased, several records need to be modified in one transaction. Thus, I needed something that could assure database consistency and provide ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions. In the case of network error in the middle of a transaction, any modification would be reversed, and that is what I wanted. When the current implementation, if something unexpected happened in the middle of the operation, there was no way to revert the data to a consistent state. It was an unforeseeable mistake, and I only realized it after I tested the API.

Another mistake was that I did not have a clear goal about the functionalities included. In the four-month time, I planned to integrate too many features into the system that made it impossible to do. I later learned that I should build the minimum viable product first before adding more complicated features.

The last mistake that I would like to mention was that I did not consider the stakeholder's and the primary user's opinion before building the project. When I showed the application to my friends, who are the primary users, they suggested some changes that I agreed with and later implemented. The problem was that if I included them from the beginning, I would not have to waste time writing codes that were born to be disposed of. It was such a waste of time doing all the work. This teaches me a lesson to consider the main user's opinions more in the future.

Conclusion & future works

In conclusion, this was a massive project, and I spent so much time and energy on it. But I am glad that I finally finished it on time, and the stakeholders are satisfied with the current version. For future work, there are a couple of things that I plan to do:

  • Make improvements on custom functionality such as implementing custom commission rate for the affiliates, allowing customers and affiliates to use the website, etc.
  • Switch to a more suitable database management system such as PostgreSQL, based on the reasons mentioned above.
  • Maintain the software for daily usage.
  • Build an e-commerce website upon existing data from the current database.
  • Generalize the use cases then sell the application to the third party.

Work Inquiry

If you like my work and want to connect, feel free to email me

I'm currently looking for either an internship or an entry level web development position

Stay Connected

Long Beach, CA
